

Monday, September 24, 2012

whobody wants to be friends?

I have to say....
I love the age that Nash is at. 
The almost 3 age. is truly great. I love that he can express himself (as long as I can interpret it) and that he is so full of JOY! He truly is. 
Lately, he has been my bestest buddy around the house. With Keaton and Lola gone to school all day...he and I have gotten a lot of quality time together.  I am loving it (most of the time). He is very sweet and very honest....even honest about not being sweet....(he will totally tell me why Cruz is crying if he caused Cruz to cry....).
My favorite thing that he is saying right now is....
"Let's be friends."
This doesn't just mean...hey lets be good buddies and talk and play and giggle. It means....let's sit or lay as close each other as humanly possible....
For example, imagine it is dinner time...
we are eating at the table....
as any 'normal' family would....
everyone in their own chair...
in their own place....
with their own plate in front of them....
Suddenly...Nash declares (and it is a declaration)
"Keat, let's be friends!"
and Nash proceeds to scoot Keaton over on his chair so that Nash can sit on it too. 
There you have it!
In Nash's eyes...THAT is how you "be friends".
He says this to me ALL OF THE TIME
I especially love it when I am putting him to bed...and he snuggles in
right next to me ON my pillow and says (with a binkie in his mouth...yes, needs to be gone) "mom....let's be friends."
I. love. that.
I don't know why...but this kid really melts my heart lately.
I am really glad that he didn't go to preschool yet...
(although there are days I would love to ship him off....)
he. is. so. funny.
He plays hard....and he sleeps hard.
Seriously. 100 mph all of the time *unless he is in a tv induced coma.
I can't even tell you how many times he ends up outside either in just his underwear...or less.
(Yes, he is a middle child.) 
THIS is how it happens.  Keaton and Lola get themselves dressed....and go outside....Nash, starts to get dressed, hears the others go outside to play....and sneaks out with them *while I am distracted. THEN I go out and DO make him come back in and get dressed...most of the time.
 (I am really not sure what the marks on his belly are....probably road rash since he wasn't wearing his protective gear...except his helmet, of course!)

That is playing for sleeping hard: Sometimes he naps so hard in the afternoon...that when he wakes up
 he is convinced it is morning
...and when we tell him it is not morning...but afternoon...and this is the after school snack...not breakfast....HE THINKS WE ARE KIDDING! 
He says "just kidding, guys?" and keeps looking back and forth between me, Keaton, and Lola...waiting for us to say that we are kidding. Eventually he just goes along with it....
 Lately he has been using the term "favorite" a lot. (Although, it took me  a long time to figure out what he was actually saying.) 
It all started when we got the kitties. I gave him one to hold...and the first time he held it he said "mom, this is my favorite pet." and since then... every day when he watches his cartoon after lunch he says "mom, this is my favorite cartoon"....or after watching Mary Poppins at grandma's "mom, mary poppins is my favorite movie"...and even at mealtime "mom, this is my favorite lunch!".
I think that the reason that I am 'loving' Nash so much right now...and really trying to 'soak him in' is because I think back...and I have a hard time remembering how Keaton & Lola at that age.  :(
That is why I am SO glad that I am writing it down here....I am sure that someday I will look back at this and bawl my eyes out....and I am sure that Nash will do the same (but probably more out of embarrassment than anything!)

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