

Saturday, September 1, 2012

whobody loves to swim?

This summer we did not get to swim NEARLY as much as we wanted to. I have no just didn't happen! It was hot enough.... :)  We did get to the pool a few times though. In June the older 2 kids had swimming lessons every morning for 2 weeks.  We lucked out with hot weather (which wasn't hard to come by this summer) and Cruz and I would hang out in the shade....while Nash swam in the baby pool....and the older 2 hung with their class. 
Here is a little known (and hard to believe) fact.... Nash is very cautious in the pool.  Actually, the picture below is the most he ever ever ever ever ever got in.  Usually, he would just walk around the pool and play tractors along the side.  For a kid that is so "100 mph" in everything, I am glad he is not so brave in the pool. (for safety reasons)....however, he would have a LOT more fun if he would just jump right in and get his hair wet!
Keaton & Lola on the other hand LOVE the pool.  They LOVE swimming lessons and are pretty independent in the pool!  They are to the point where I don't have to be by their long as they are in 5 ft or below they are great on their own. This has made for a much more relaxing time at the pool this summer. :)
As I said before, we didn't get to the pool as much as we would have liked...but time just got away! (And...every time we go, we are skipping a nap for Nash AND Cruz). We did have a BLAST every time we went!
Below...a picture that needs explanation *just because the explanation is funny.  Keaton and Lola are goggles wearers...and we did not have a set for his solution was to take the sunglasses off of my head and wear them as his goggles.  They didn't work the he didn't wear them very long!
I am going to keep on plucking away at these summer pictures...and hopefully I will be caught up on this blog before Christmas! :)

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