

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

whobody's family is growing?

No, I am not pregnant...
but we did add to our family yesterday.
Meet Fluffy and Figaro.
These are the kids' new kitties!!! They are so in love.  When Nash got up from his nap, they were already here (thanks to some great friends who were willing to give us their kitties AND deliver them.)  He instantly wanted to hold them...I gave him one and he said "Mommy, this is my favorite pet!" (and also, his only pet.)
 We already have 2 outside cats. They are both very old and extremely wild...unpettable actually. Their names are Cattywhompus and Hissy.  Yes, Hissy does hiss all of the time.  We decided it was time to have some pets around here to give the kids something to nurture and take care of (not to mention take on some responsibility). 
 Don't be fooled by the pictures of these kitties in my laundryroom and garage.  They are GOING to be outside cats.  I just didn't want to rip them away from their momma AND let them alone outside all in the same week.
 The kids are LOVING the cats...and have spent every waking moment with them since we got them.  I actually need to go out to the garage right now and tell them to get their jammies off and brush their teeth. (No school today).
Lola is especially happy. She is really the one I got the kitties for. She needs something to nurture and truly brings her joy!
 Keaton on the other hand is more concerned with making houses for them and building obstacle courses. He is the kind of kid who has more fun actually building with legos than playing with the things that he builds. Lola would build one car and play with it all day....Keaton would just keep building and building.  He and I made a few houses out of boxes for the kitties. They really love them!
 Big thanks to Aidan for giving up his kitties...I am sure it was hard on him :( but he can visit them anytime! We love them...and I think they are very happy here!
Aren't they cute?

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