

Saturday, February 9, 2013

whobody is walking? Cruzie has been walking for over a month...
and boy...
his personality has 

He is SO funny, and has really turned into quite the 
troublemaker and entertainer!

He is suddenly reminding us of Nash...  

He has always been a very happy little boy, but he is suddenly a whole new kind of happy!
He struts around saying/shouting his favorite nonsense phrase
(this actually sounds something like either tickle tickle tickle or kitty kitty kitty...)

the words that he actually tries to say and says are the two biggies:

When he gets tired, he will just walk around saying 
(and he is such a good boy, that we then just have to take him to his room, give him his little blankie, give him his binkie, and lay him down.)

Now that he is walking, he seems to have also reached a whole new level in playing.
He sometimes gets very busy, and will play with the same toy for quite a while.

But his FAVORITE new trick is dancing. 
He LOVES to dance. 

(Luckily, so do Keaton, Nash, and especially Lola.) 

His favorite move is to lean to one side, 
walk around in circles 
and swing his arms. 
Sometimes one, sometimes two.

(I have tried to load videos on here, but can't seem to get them to work.)
You will have to just imagine it.
But trust me, it is ADORABLE.

I forgot how much I LOVE this age.  He is so enjoyable, and really pretty easy to take care of too! I know that the dreaded 18 month age is coming (for some reason, that one is always my struggle).  Cruzie is really a joy to have around.

And now, I am going to leave you with some nakie pictures! 
(I brought my camera into the bathroom when he was getting ready for his bath.)

In case you haven't noticed...Cruz has a few dimples and rolls. 

Soon, he will grow out of these 
(along with all of his clothes)....

and I am once again reminded that kids grow SO FAST!!!

I hope you enjoyed your little snapshot of Cruz!

1 comment:

  1. Great Job Les documenting the kids' lives... man, those are some cute kids!
