

Sunday, January 2, 2011

whobody are you talking about?

I thought it would be appropriate to first introduce you to the 'characters' of my life...and therefore the 'characters' in this blog.

First is Keaton, he is the oldest child in the family. He is 5 1/2 right now and is almost halfway through Kindergarten. Keaton is a very kind hearted, emotional, loving little boy. He is a kid who LOVES to play by himself....and sets up towns and make believe worlds in his corner of the universe (a.k.a. his bedroom). I thought that he might have a hard time adjusting to life in Kindergarten, but he proved me totally wrong. He loves to go to school and complete any task put before him, usually in a very organized fashion. Keaton is a very good helper...and loves to do jobs around the house, as long as he gets paid! He will go play outside any chance he the warmer months he goes on nature hunts and proudly rides his bike with no training wheels. In the winter he likes to go outside and shovel shovel shovel...he will make up places to shovel when the places that need shoveling are already done. Keaton is a very thoughtful little boy...he gets tickets at school for good behavior and once a month they get to spend those tickets at a store to buy trinkets for rewards. Often times he buys something for Lola with his tickets....very very sweet. As of right now, Keaton says that he never wants to move out of my house, even when he gets married he wants to live with Jason and I. We will see how that one turns out!

Next, we have Lola. She just turned 4 (but sometimes she acts like she just turned 14). Lola is in preschool 3 mornings a week, but she wishes it was every day. She is FULL of personality and gives me most of my stories to share. Her one liners and preschooler logic are a constant source of joy for Jason and I. Lola is a lot different than Keaton....still sweet but in a completely different way. When we are playing Uno and she has a wild card, she will ask Keaton what he has the most of and pick that color, even if she has none of that in her hand. Not a great strategy...but sweet thinking. Lola does NOT enjoy playing by herself. When Keaton is at school, she pretty much just follows me around and lays on the floor singing or talking to me while I do whatever it is that I am doing. She is really enjoying Nash more now that he is walking and talking and she is always the first one to run in his room to say good morning when he wakes up from his naps. Lola is not quite as efficient at getting things done as Keaton is. She is very easily distracted. When I send her back to her room with a basket of clean laundry to put away, she usually comes out in a different outfit, but completely forgot to put the clothes away. Lola gets lots of reminders...and the bribe of gum goes a very long way with her.

Lastly, the youngest child, Nash. He is about 15 months old right now and we are really beginning to see his personality shine through. Nash is a very determined young man. If he sees something that he wants...whether it is a nightlight or a bottle of vegetable oil...he goes after it, even when he is not supposed to. Now that he is walking well, he is able to completely rearrange cupboards and closets for me. It is not unusual to find the baking powder in the drawer on the bottom of the oven...or boxes of cake mix in the craft closet. His newest favorite toys are Keaton and Lola's toothbrushes. He will go after anything he can at lunch he was trying to get the full gallon of milk off of the table. Luckily, he did not succeed. Nash's one and only 'trick' is "nash, what does a kitty say?" and he will answer with a high little squeal. He does this not only when he sees cats, but any kind of animal...or really anything that slightly resembles an animal! He loves the furreal kitty that Lola got for meows and walks....the perfect toy for Nash. Santa should have known. As you can imagine, Nash LOVES to get into Keaton's room and mess up his perfectly arranged toys. Luckily he can't do any damage in Lola's room!

1 comment:

  1. I can see Lola following you around when she has no one to play with
