

Friday, January 7, 2011

whobody had a wonderful Christmas?

Although Christmas was a few weeks ago, I thought that I should put a little post about our holiday season for 2010. We had a wonderful Christmas filled with programs, parties, presents...and pacifiers (Nash needed a lot of those to get through the first 3 things). Keaton and Lola both sang in the program at St. John's Lutheran in Guttenberg, where they both attend preschool. Lola was the token preschooler who kept lifting her dress up. (As you may know, every program has to have one of them :) They both did a great job of singing the songs...especially "Away in a Manger"....and at the end the preschoolers and the kindergartners ran around the aisles of the church as angels. Mom, Dad, Grandma Tractor and Great Grandpa Firetruck were very proud! Keaton had a Christmas program at school too (which I seem to have no good pictures of...) and then on Christmas Eve, Keaton was able to play the bells with the CCD kids for "Go Tell it on the Mountain". He, of course, stood in front of cousin Mason and right beside his BFF Lily! I am including the video....not because it is beautiful music (of course it is)....I am including the video because I think it is so stinkin' cute how PROUD Keaton is to be up there ringing the bells. I also enjoyed how he was getting so into it that not only was the bell hand ringing, but he was putting both hands and sometimes his whole body into it. The video is shaking because I was holding Nash while taping...along with giggling at his intensity. I hope you enjoy it too.

**********still working on uploading the video.... :(

After Christmas Eve church, we had supper with Jason's family at his mom and dad's house. The kids enjoyed playing with their favorite (and only) cousins....and they especially had fun opening presents. By the time we got to the presents, Nash was ready for bed...but he was a trooper and was able to party until 9 pm. *he is usually in bed at 7 :) When we got home we quickly set out milk and a cookie for Santa and carrots and celery for the reindeer...then it was off to bed.

Finally...on Christmas morning we opened Santa's gifts...the kids got WAY too many toys, but were very happy! Then for lunch we went to my Aunt Linda's house to spend time with my side of the family. Although there are no Zittergruen cousins for the kids to play with, the kids still had a blast playing with some of their Santa toys and entertaining the crowd. (Giving Lola a jingle bell is just asking for loud caroling).
The bottom picture of this post is of my 92 year old Grandpa Zittergruen (a.k.a. Grandpa Firetruck) trying to hold all 3 kids on his lap for a picture. As you can see, Nash was not extremely cooperative. Merry late Christmas from the Reimer family!

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