

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

whobody helped themself?

So...just now...I am sitting at the table catching up on bookwork....and Nash is playing nicely in his room (eating the bowl of pretzels I bribed him with)....

Suddenly, he runs from his room to the laundry room (with his empty sippy cup in hand)...opens the door to the garage...and goes out there.  I could tell he was on a I went to check it out. 

As I got to the laundry room, he bursts back in the door with this...

We keep our extra gallons of milk in the garage fridge...I guess he decided he needed a refill to go with his he grabbed an extra gallon of milk for me.  Notice, he also grabbed himself a Bud Lite too....I guess Jason isn't the only one who likes the combination of beer and pretzels. 

I did fill his sippy cup with milk,
but declined his request for the "pop" that he brought in for himself.

From the looks of things, I may just throw that "pop" in the fridge for later...I might need it.

(You just can't make this stuff up!)

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