

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

whobody caught the most fish? you can tell by the tally that Keaton kept...he caught the most fish. He made sure to let everyone know that too. By "caught" he means "reeled in".  We won't discuss the fact that Jason actually hooked 1/2 of them and then offered the pole to Lola, who refused it...and then offered the pole to Keaton to reel in.  Keaton is our child who LOVES to fish.  Luckily we have Grandpa Tractor's beautiful pond to go fishing in. 

When we go fishing, Keaton is a champ. He loves to cast, loves to sit and watch the bobber, and LOVES to reel in the fish. He will even touch the fish and sometimes hold it after it is caught. This is a big step for the kid who once jumped up crying onto a table at preschool because he was scared of the baby kitties that someone brought to show.

Our other son, Nash, will not be going fishing again for awhile. The whole "family fishing trip" idea was really not a great one.  As far as we can tell, Nash is actually thinking that he should jump in the water and catch the fish by hand. (for real)  He really runs toward the water and tries to get in. (Notice the life jacket.)  We gave him a pole to hold...thinking he might try to be like Keaton....he just kept whipping it down into the water...getting the top of the pole muddy and mossy. I brought along a couple balls and a bat for him to play with while we fished...he threw those into the water.  Ummm....the two of us just ended up going on walks for most of the evening.

Lola likes the idea of going fishing...but in reality...she is more interested in heading up to grandpa's cabin to get a treat or chips or water or go to the bathroom.....  She likes errands.  I think that once she learns to cast, she will enjoy fishing more, but for now....she just likes to be a spectator.  She also might be a little afraid of the fish. She has no problem touching them or holding them, but is always afraid of reeling them in.  On this night, she had to "go pee" soon after we got there. I was already halfway around the pond with Nash and Jason was helping Keaton get a fish off of his hook....So I hollered for her to squat behind the car. I tried to also holler instructions, but she couldn't hear me. (This was her first time 'squatting'.)  By the time Jason got there to was already too late. :)  Luckily I had a change of pants in the car. I guess we will have to work on that outdoor skill a little more this summer....just in case of 'emergencies'. Below is a picture I took right after she finished saying "mom, take my picture!"

Lola actually fished a little...but as you can see, doesn't pay very close attention to her bobber...

Keaton and Dad were hard at work...

Keaton wanted to have a picture of one of the Bluegills that he caught...

And yes, by the end of the evening, I had Nash confined in the 'playpen' a.k.a. the car. I had the keys out and was standing there the whole time. This was actually where we was the happiest...I only let him hang out of the window for a little bit.  Funny. It seems like once Nash started honking the horn, we really didn't catch very many more fish......

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