

Monday, April 18, 2011

whobody went to "the farm"?

Last night we decided to take the kids to "the farm".  I know what you are guys are farmers, you live on a farm.... No. Not true.  Yes. Jason is a farmer, but our yard is nothing close to a farm! Luckily, our neighbors  let us come and play on their farm whenever we want.

Even though the weather wasn't great, we went to get a little fresh air and see some animals.  Jason started doing this about 3 years ago.  On Saturday mornings in the summer, he would take Keaton to "the farm", grandpa's pond, or the creek to spend a little time with Dad (and give Mom a little time with Lola).  Last summer he took Lola along and left me with Nash!  Last night we went with the whole family! Above is a picture of Nash with the horses... Below is a picture of Jason and Lola in with the cows. Jason's brother, Chuck, happens to have cattle at this farm and had come to feed them while we were there! Judy was trying to get one of calves to come over so the kids could pet it. (That, however, did not work)

Lola and Keaton had fun playing in the grass...but Keaton was very, very, very, very, very, very afraid of the chickens, so he was always watching for them out of the corner of his eye. (and he was usually hiding behind me whenever they got remotely close to us)
 Yes, he was actually up on the fence to keep away from the chickens. :)
Lola, however, loved the chickens and chased them around the yard.  These are VERY nice chickens by the way. It was cute...we were just over looking at the horses and all of the sudden the chickens just wandered over by us...Nash and Lola were ecstatic, Keaton....well, Keaton was a little bit petrified!
 Nash, of course, wanted to pet the chickens, but was not successful!
I should add that Nash, like most 1 1/2 year olds, LOVES animals...and really had a blast seeing some farm animals up close and personal. He was just overtaken with JOY the whole time we were there!

and I had to get a picture of all 3 kids together....THAT doesn't happen very often where they all actually have their eyes open and look decent!

I know the kids are very much looking forward to spending more time at the farm, now THIS makes me excited for warmer weather. Hmmm, maybe Jason will just take all 3 kids this summer, and leave me home alone! (ha, I don't think that will happen....)

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