

Thursday, July 19, 2012

whobody is growing a green thumb?

Today during quiet time (Nash's nap time) we headed outside to get the garden produce back under control and caught up. (I will be writing about the Chicago trip soon...but these pictures were a lot easier to go through and add than the ones from the trip.) 

We were only gone for 4 days, but we had a MESS of beans and peas that needed to be harvested.  First, Keaton and I worked on those while Lola cut flowers...that row of zinnias is my new genius way of hiding the rest of the garden from the driveway. Then Keaton got bored and decided it would be more fun to help Lola!

 Yes...Cruz's shirt says "Crabby but cute" he looks crabby in this photo....but really wasn't. He LOVES to be outside...especially when it isn't 100 degrees out!

 The kids have been super helpful this summer in the garden....(this is the first year their "help" has been helpful!).  They are good at pulling weeds and harvesting the veggies.  The garden pictured above is our little garden with the row veggies... and then we have a big garden with the vines back between the sheds.  After I took the kids' pictures with the little garden, they took my camera and went and got some shots of the big garden. (They are very proud.)

I really love having a garden...and hopefully the kids will learn a lot from it too! So far they have had a blast seeing things grow (and it is a great way to get them to try new things.) Although it has been a hot and dry year...our garden is doing great! Big thanks to our friends the sprinklers.... :)

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