

Saturday, July 21, 2012

whobody loves the Choo Choo place? (part 3)

So... after we rested for a few hours after the zoo...we headed out for supper.  We went to the All Aboard Diner...which is ALWAYS the highlight of our kids' Chicago trips.  This place is great (for kids)....trains everywhere, train songs playing, Thomas on the multiple TVs...and most exciting of all, a train serves your food! Seriously, there is a track on the counter and they load the food up in the kitchen, and it rides the track all around til your food is in front of you. The kids LOVE IT!!!

(They hand delivered our beers, however, I guess they didn't want them to spill....)

So, here are the kids at the model train set up....

Then Nash and Lola went over and got in the 'train ride' here is a little secret....

(imagine me whispering now)
....our kids don't know that you can put money in those things to make them go....

seriously, IF they go with me to walmart...or to the mall and IF I let them get on those rides...I don't put money in them....well, not usually anyway. :) So....the owner of the place saw my poor kids sitting in the train ride pretending to make it he went over and put money in it for them :) Now that is good business....because he did THAT we of course put our own money in a couple more times. Nash was in heaven!

After they explored a little, they sat down for the appetizer...chocolate shakes and fried pickles. They had chocolate shakes...and I had the fried pickles. :) We couldn't get any of the kids to eat them! But, of course...they LOVED their shakes.

I did take a quick picture of them while our food was being can see the engine of the train right by the waitress. Fun stuff.
Like I said, always the highlight of the trip. I highly recommend this place to anyone with kids! They love it...and the food is very good too. :) After supper we swam...and then we had some tired tired tired kids! Gotta love vacation....

1 comment:

  1. How did I not know that you have a blog?! I love it! Your kids are presh! Love reading about your family!
