

Thursday, August 25, 2011

whobody is a little nervous for first grade?

I'm pretty sure it is mostly Mommy.

I cannot believe that my biggest little guy is already a FIRST grader.

My friend said it best last night....
"kindergarten is for little boys, but grades are for big boys". 

I'm not so sure I'm liking the whole idea of my kids actually growing up! :) I know, I know....that is what they are supposed to do! Still having a hard time with it..oh well. 

Doesn't he look so old?

Keaton is pretty excited though! Last night we took him to "meet the teacher" open house at school.  The first person we saw when we walked in the door was his beloved kindergarten teacher..which I'm pretty sure just about brought both Keaton and I to tears.

He is nervous about having a new teacher and not being in class with the same kids as last year (namely, Lily).  After we saw Mrs. Tujetsch he kept rubbing his eyes saying "my eyes just keep itching!".  He did get pretty excited after we went and saw his new classroom.  He just can't believe that he gets his own desk! He will LOVE that!

Our morning went well....I actually had to wake him up to get ready (very unusual because normally he is up at 6!)   After he was ready we went outside to do our photo shoot. :) Nash happily joined us in his jammie shirt and diaper.  I did put shorts and shoes on him before the bus showed up.


After we took pictures, the boys rode bikes until the bus came. (Lola was still fast asleep.) We are pretty lucky because our bus drives RIGHT into our yard so he can wait in front of the garage (instead of by the busy highway).

And happened. The bus drove into our yard and whisked Keaton off to FIRST GRADE! As soon as the bus pulled up, Keaton threw down his bike and ran to the door.
I barely got a picture!
Then, we waved and the bus drove away...Nash was pretty disappointed he didn't get to go too....and, as you can see, a little confused!
I'm sure we will have a great day here at home! Lola's preschool teacher is coming to visit after lunch! Here's to another "first day of school" down!

Deep breath in, deep breath out.

It kills you to see them grow up.  But I guess it would kill you quicker if they didn't.  ~Barbara Kingsolver, Animal Dreams

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