

Thursday, August 4, 2011

whobody swims like a fish?

I thought I would share some pictures of the older two kids doing swimming lessons. They had 2 weeks of group lessons this year and LOVED it.  They are both now very comfortable in the water and are able to actually SWIM! (unbelievable)  They were able to be in the same level which made it fun for both of them *and me!
 Lovin' Lola's funny face....
 At the end of every lesson they had "free time" which basically meant that they could go off of the diving boards. They were the only 2 out of their level that were willing to go...and they went over and over and over again!  I am amazed at how much more brave they have become in the water (and in general).
By the end, Lola had perfected her 'form' of trying to jump in like a toothpick... 
 and Keaton had perfected his landing to end up directly on the buoy. :)
 And, drum roll please.....they both went off of the HIGH DIVE a few times. I was only able to capture Keaton on camera, but they both did it! I was amazed....that is a LONG way up there!


  1. way to go keaton and lola!!!!! great pics lesa :)

  2. Aurelia LOVED the high dive too! GREAT JOB guys!
