

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

whobody used power tools to carve pumpkins?

This year....since my belly is the size of a parents offered to help me carve the jack-o-lanterns with the kids. This is normally a mom-job because of fieldwork....but I didn't think I could handle the physical carving alone this year! Luckily, my parents....and my dad's power tools....stepped in to help!

I started out by suggesting we do it at my parents' house. (hee I smart or what?)  We met them at TJ's...cause any chance I have to get out of cooking, I will take.   Then we went to their house and got things ready.  Keaton started by drawing out the possible faces he could do on his pumpkin.  He literally spent at least 20 minutes drawing them out and trying to decide what to do.  (Which is SO like him.)

On the other hand, Lola instantly decided that she wanted rectangle eyes, a rectangle nose, and a rectangle mouth with one tooth.  So...with her guidance I drew this onto a pumpkin and my dad got to work. (Gotta love Bompa Sheryl) He very skillfully used a drill and a jigsaw (I think?) to carve the pumpkins. I was was very quick and easy. From start to finish for all 3 pumpkins, it only took about 40 minutes!
 The whole time we were working Nash just kind of ran wild...playing with toys...then coming back into the kitchen to get his hands messy in the pumpkins...then wash his hands and back to the toys.... He had fun! Lola also enjoyed herself (especially once Daddy stopped in and let her use his earmuffs).  Lucky for us, Jason was picking corn at the field by my parents' house so he was even able to stop in for a few minutes and join in the process!

And...I had to include this beautiful picture of Bompa Sheryl & Lola.... Lola had my camera for maybe 2 minutes....and I had about 30 of these kind of pictures....mostly with Lola alone.  She is already good at holding the camera out and taking a picture of herself (and she isn't even 5 yet!!)

Here are the finished products in the dark.  While we were taking these pictures, Keaton was SUPER worried about the fire and being safe....  from left to right the pumpkins are Keaton's,  Nash's and Lola's.
 Keaton decided he wanted a happy, nice pumpkin.... Keaton and I decided that Nash's should be a little scary....with an open mouth...but 2 teeth to make it cute (and to make it look like Nash's)....and Lola's 'rectangle everything' pumpkin fits her perfectly.  I know I always say this...but their personalities amaze me!
 I wanted to make sure to take a picture of the kids with Grandma Piano and Bompa Sheryl.  Big thanks to really helped me out a ton...
and the kids had a BLAST.
 And...I also thought I should include a very poor quality (sorry) picture of me and the kids. I haven't posted any pregnant pictures of myself on here you go.  Yes. That is a pumpkin under my shirt. :) this is me at 34 weeks pregnant.  I have tried and tried to get a decent side view picture of me pregnant, but usually, with Lola or Keaton as the photographer, I haven't been excited enough about any to put out there for the world to see. This, I know, isn't a great picture, but is a picture.  Only SIX weeks till my due date :) and if history repeats itself....that hopefully means we will be meeting this baby in 3 to 4 weeks! I hope so...I don't know how much more this old body can take!!!! :) Oh yeah...and I can't wait to meet this baby!

Well.... there you have it....Pumpkin Carving 2011!!!

1 comment:

  1. Love your blog! Very cute as always!
