

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

whobody filled the cupboards (with candy)?

Halloween was a BUSY day at our house (as I'm sure it is at everyone else's house who has kids!).  In the morning I joined Lola at school for her preschool costume parade through the middle school.  I have pictures...and they are cute....but I didn't get a chance to get them uploaded on here...and probably won't since I already have FOUR posts about Halloween (and it is my least favorite holiday).  I had fun at school with is always good to see her friends and put faces with the names she talks about. 

After lunch, I joined Keaton and his 1st grade class for their trip to the Care Center in town to sing Halloween songs...and then their First Grade Halloween Party in their classroom. (Can you tell that I am trying to scrunch things like this in before I have this baby?)  I had lots of fun with Keaton and his friends. It is always interesting dodging the comments and conversations of 'how babies are born' with first graders.  At their field trip about a month ago I had to stop a kid from explaining it to all the others on the bus. ANYWAY :) After school, Keaton and I grabbed some groceries, subs for us and the guys in the field, and headed back home to get prepared for trick or treating.  LUCKY for me, Grandma Piano was here holding the fort down, and helped me get everything ready for our night on the town!

Trick or treating started at 5.... so we drove uptown, parked the car, and started walking! I took the stroller...mostly for me to lean on ....and for the candy I had to keep unloading from the kids' buckets so they didn't BREAK! The amount of candy is UNBELIEVABLE....
Again...Jason (the wonderful...but wonderfully busy dad that he is) took a short break from his fieldwork to meet us uptown for a bit....(and run and get our car and park it where we were ending). Daddy was able to join us for most of the walking part of trick or treating...which I was very thankful for!  We really appreciate and enjoy the little time that we get with him this time of year.  And we VERY much look forward to when he is in the house again at night (especially me!)
The kids really enjoyed trick or treating...Nash especially. 

He would just walk right up to the door and yell his own version of "TRICK OR TREAT" that sounded nothing like the right words...then he would shove his hands in and grab more than he should.... (and they would always let him :) and then he would yell "Na Na" which is how he says "thank you" and then yell "BYE" and run to the next house, his little dinosaur tail bobbing up and down.

Again, as I said in a previous post. He is a HAM in his costume.  Keep in mind...when the other 2 were 2....they had to be forced to go to the doors....mostly had to be carried.  Nash? Well, the only time we carried him was to the car kicking and screaming! Best. night. of. his. life.
Keaton had lots of fun...he enjoyed being 'in charge' and helping Nash get up and down steps.  (I do not look forward to the day when he is TOO COOL for trick or treating.)
When we got home we HAD to take a picture of our candy stash. I couldn't believe the pile of candy we ended up with! Of course, the first thing the kids went for was the baggie of popcorn they got from Grandma Tractor's house.  For some reason, that is always a favorite.  (Don't worry, I did let them each eat one piece of candy before bed too).  We had a great, but exhausting night!

Happy Halloween...and Bring on Thanksgiving!!!

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