

Friday, December 20, 2013

whobody has been very busy?

This is TERRIBLE!!!
It has been well over a month since I have 
last posted on this blog.
I sure wish I would have kept up…because it is so much easier to keep up than catch up…
but, I didn't…so here goes.

We have had a very busy month! Jason got done in the field shortly before Thanksgiving, and we are ALL so happy to have him home more often.

Since I have last written we have celebrated Thanksgiving, 2 birthdays, gone to a Panther's basketball camp, and done lots of Christmas preparation! 
(hopefully I will write posts about ALL of those things!)

So, while Jason was still in the field, Nash was still a "napper"….therefore I had a little more time each afternoon to "rest" my varicose vein ridden legs :) and catch up on my blog.  At Thanksgiving time we moved Nash's bed into Keaton's room (the first step of many in getting ready for the baby)…needless to say, there was an adjustment period.  Bedtime was suddenly a party…and poor Keaton was kept up by one excited little 4 year old who JUST wouldn't stop talking and getting out of bed and coming out to see Mom and Dad and see what they were watching
….so, it was decided, he needed to be a little more tired…so we tried skipping the nap (which was also becoming a struggle on some days)…

It took a bit for Nash to adjust…but it has been a GREAT decision. 
The adjustment period is over with and the boys sharing a room is going well AND Nash and I have a little more 'together time' when Cruzie naps. 

This also means…less rest time for me…but that is okay! 
I will have to just take it when I can get it! 
(Note: I am usually not a rester…and it is hard on my brain to rest…but my body is very busy building a baby right now…and it is totally overruling my brain's desire to keep marking things off of my to-do list.)  

So…we have had lots of events…but we have also had lots of fun in NON-events… 
and I wanted to share some of my random pictures from the last month.

First…Cruz…and his hat.
Yes. This is a bowl from breakfast that had cheerios, milk, and sugar inside of it….. sometimes Cruz isn't the 'smartest'…but he sure is entertaining!

This is a picture I took of Lola….
anytime I give the kids the total freedom to choose what to wear…
Lola chooses a tank top and shorts…regardless of the weather.  
On THIS particular day, Lola made herself a 
'track uniform'
by taping a number on the front of her shirt…and her name on the back. 
She is, as always, extremely creative.

The kids have also tried to spend as much time as humanly possible outside playing in the snow.

Nash and Cruz spend a LOT of time at the Lego box…

And for some reason, 
at the expense of my laundry and sometimes, my sanity
dressing up is becoming a NEW thing around here. 
Nash and Lola are always changing into 
basketball players, 
volleyball players,
 track stars, 

and ninjas.
[In case you were wondering, if you want to dress like a ninja…
you put on as many dark colors and possible…
along with a ski mask, gloves and whoever's black boots you can find…
then, you turn off the lights in the basement 
and run around in the dark and NO ONE can even see you!]

Or…you could just be like Nash…
and sleep like a ninja too.
(This was when he was still a napper, I asked him to go and get is pull up on and get cozy and I would be in to tuck him in…instead, he put his pull-up on, and ran out as fast as he could dressed like this…and for the record, he DID sleep in this outfit…minus the hat. I made him take that off.)

With all of the dressing up…there have been a LOT of 'shows' for Jason and I to watch
Christmas shows, rockstar shows, volleyball games and basketball games….
and on this afternoon…the kids set up a track star show complete with 
pillow hurdles.
(This kind of thing is not good for my mom anxiety.) 

Notice Nash's headband/sweatband.

Just had to share a quick picture of Cruz…he is SO funny.
 These are his elf jammies….too cute!

Finally, I just wanted to share a few pictures of a normal night at home for the family:  ideally, if we have nothing else going on
we like to head downstairs after supper and just hang out. 
Usually Jason cranks the music…and the kids play and dance. 
 Notice where Cruz is at….
He was actually STANDING up 
on the table dancing…
but crouched down after he bumped the light fixture and one
 of the lights went out 
and it scared him a bit.  
I am not sure why I have 3 consecutive pictures of this…and both Jason and I are camped out in our chairs in front of the fireplace…not even going to get him down. 
(Probably too busy laughing….their dance moves are awesome.)

At least he can get down by himself...

Well…hopefully I can soon get to the events of this past month
Christmas is only 5 days away and I will have a lot more pictures I want to share!!!

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