

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

whobody is the new baby of the family?

born 11.28.11 @11:10 p.m.
9 lbs. 21 1/2 in.

Well, well, well. I am so excited to introduce you to Cruz, our new little baby boy. He is SO SWEET and I can't wait for all of you to meet him!  I am here in the hospital still, about ready to leave for home, and I thought that I would take my some of my last few moments of peace (without the other 3 children) and type up a quick post about his birth.  (I only got 2 more paragraphs written, and then was interrupted by the lactation consultant who will never leave...and then all the discharge from hospital here I sit, one week after he was born, make that 2 WEEKS... finishing this post....I DID have it finished, but then when I went to publish it last night it wouldn't work....and then shut me down and saved nothing!!!! Augh. So frustrating....oh well. Hopefully I will have a little time today to get it finished up.)

As I sit here and snuggle my new little bundle I just want to cry because I am SO HAPPY he is here! I have just been holding him all morning...and I have enjoyed every. single. minute. I LOVE LOVE LOVE this brand new baby time...especially the delivery and the time in the hospital. I am so amazed by the MIRACLE of life and the blessings that children really are. 

Well, the purpose of me typing this right now is so that my facts are straight and so I can have a good record of his birth story. THAT being said....I am going to include details....details that you might think are over the line or TMI (especially if you have never had kids).  SOOOOOO if you are going to judge me, be grossed out, or feel like I crossed a boundary I will write a quick synopsis for you....then you can read the paragraph below....and glance at the pictures....and then be on your way. For those of you not minding the the long version below the picture.

CRUZ'S BIRTH DAY (short version)
We got to the hospital at 10:50.  The doctor 'checked' me and broke my water at 10:55.  The doctor left the room. Cruz was born at 11:10.  The doctor did make it back in time to help deliver his shoulders and feet.....but just barely.  The end. :)

Yes...this is my 4th pregnancy....and Yes...I have a history of short labors and pretty fast deliveries...and Cruz's birth was no exception. Now, just because my labors are fast...they are anything but easy.... :) but, the fact that they are fast, makes them a lot easier to handle without an epidural or anything. (Mostly because there isn't even time to think OR talk about getting an epidural). For Keaton's birth I had an epidural...for Lola's I did GET one, but it had not taken effect yet by the time she was born...and with Nash AND Cruz I wasn't even admitted to the hospital yet when they were born. true labors are short...but I have contractions...constant contractions...and sometimes pretty hard contractions throughout the last 2 months of pregnancy. Since about September, I have been having contractions pretty much every 15 to 20 minutes...sometimes I was able to sleep through them, and sometimes the pain would wake me up....or keep me up all night. I was VERY sleep deprived by the time I delivered Cruz. So, even though I have short true labors in the hospital....I feel like I am in labor for the last 2 months of every pregnancy. I look at it as a marathon that ends in a dead sprint.

Cruz's birth story (long version)
I had my 28 week appt (yes, this 9 lb baby was 2 weeks early) on Monday morning. I had been having contractions for a couple of months....sometimes strong, sometimes not so strong....but I always feel like my body is a millimeter away from going into labor once I hit about 36 weeks. At my 38 week appt, my OB, Dr. Berger, 'checked' me and said that my cervix was dilated 3 cm. (which it had been at since 36 weeks) but he thought by the looks of things I would be going into labor pretty soon. After my appt when I walked out into the hall from the exam room, he flagged me down and said "Marilyn is working talk to her on the phone!"

back story: when Nash was nurse was Marilyn. She was WONDERFUL. With Nash I showed up at the hospital at about 3:30 or 4...I was having very strong contractions, but wasn't progressing very quickly...I think I was just dilated to 3? Marilyn wanted to wait to admit me until Dr. Berger could check things out and make the decision of whether I could stay or not because I was his patient and he was on call as soon as his office hours were over. SO....he came at about 5:45....he said I was dilated to 4 cm.... broke my water and said (and I quote...) "I'm going to go home and change into my cowboy boots and then come back and deliver a baby tonight!" we said "okay..." and he left the room. THEN about a minute later....a HUGE 11 minute very painful contraction happened....which I am sure involved a little cussing and yelling....and then suddenly....Nash's head was delivered. At this point, it was just Jason and I in the room....Jason casually strolled over and declared "that HAS to be a boy" by looking at the baby's face....and then Marilyn, the nurse, came rushing in along with about 6 other nurses and helped deliver the rest of the baby. I sat there shaking, holding my brand new baby boy, while the nurses brought in the warmer and everything else that they usually have ready BEFORE a baby comes. We signed the papers to be admitted and treated after the fact.... It was CRAZY. In just 12 minutes, I went from dilated to 4 cm to delivering a baby in just 12 minutes. Marilyn was excellent...and because of this we had a special connection. (I have also run into her when Nash was in the hospital for pneumonia last winter and when i have visited other friends and babies in the hospital). Both Jason and I are pretty sure that Marilyn was one of my nurses when Keaton was born too. 

So...I got on the phone and Marilyn told me that Dr. Berger had called and warned her that I was probably going to be coming in and she might be delivering another Reimer baby today. (She was on duty til 6 pm) She said "if you come in I am totally handing off any other patients to someone else....See you soon!" This of course got me all play it safe, I hung around Dubuque for the day....just because with Nash....I drove home from my appt, picked the kids up from school and then turned around and came back to Dubuque with jason and had the baby. I finished up my Christmas shopping (I think.) and Lola's birthday shopping....and I had contractions the whole time...and Yes...they were a little stronger than normal, but not by much. Finally at 2:30 I gave up on going into labor and decided to head home. (very disappointed....) We had a pretty normal night around home. I actually sat down and typed up a post about how READY I was to meet this new baby, and how I was hoping to have him/her soon. 

It was about 7:30 and Keaton was reading his nightly books to me....and I noticed that my contractions were actually getting stronger and a little more I started to keep track of the timing.  They were 12 to 15 minutes apart....but were getting stronger and stronger. I told Jason "we just might be able to go tonight!" we put the kids to bed like normal and then I laid down to watch TV and keep better track of the timing of my contractions.  by 9:15 they were regularly 11 to 13 minutes apart (which may not seem close, because most people don't go to the hospital til their contractions are 5 minutes apart) but we knew with my history we should head to Dubuque. We called my mom and when she got here we headed South. We arrived at the hospital at about 10:40 and by the time we got taken up to the 5th floor and to our room it was 10:50.  The nurse asked about my contractions (which by this point were 8 to 9 minutes apart, and getting pretty painful) and then gave me the beautiful hospital gown to change into.  When I got out of the bathroom the doctor was already waiting for me in the room (luckily he was there already for another patient).  This was a doctor who I had seen before for other pregnancies, but really didn't know very well, Dr. Tinsman.  He gave me a little speech about how since my contractions really weren't very close he doesn't expect that I would be dilated very far so he would most likely be sending me home. 

I told him that we would just have to wait in the parking lot then.... :)  He 'checked' and said in a very surprised voice "you are at a 7!" I said "7?" he said "yes, the number after 6, 7..." (I was hoping for 4 or 5.... I was ecstatic!) Jason  made some crack about not making us leave then, and Dr. Tinsman said, "well, obviously with your history, you won't have time for an epidural....Do you just want me to break your water and we will have a baby?" I said, sure that sounds great...and I quickly reminded him that Dr. Berger had missed Nash's delivery...and how fast things went after my water was broken.  Dr. Tinsman reassured me that he wouldn't miss it....and he would only be 40 feet away....not out of the building.  I also asked him to guess the size of the baby by feeling my belly...his guess 7lbs 2 oz.  He broke my water and left the room.  Shortly after that, I had my 1st contraction while hooked up to the was a little stronger than my previous ones had been, but still manageable.  Jason, as always, just giggled and observed....and the nurses were just getting things ready for baby to come (at least this time the warmer and everything was set up).  A few minutes later, I had my second contraction.  Now, the second one was A LOT stronger, and I knew it wouldn't be long.  The nurse, Jen (who was EXCELLENT, by the way) said "you just need to let me know when you feel the need to push" and I answered "I'm definitely getting close to needing to push....."  and then Jason piped in "I give you 1 minute and 30 seconds to have that baby, because when he broke your water I told myself you would have a baby within 14 that means your deadline is 11:10"  we all laughed, and then my next contraction began. YIKES.

This was the ONE....I first whined that I needed to push....and the nurse calmly told me to try to blow through it.... then I started yelling that I needed to push.....she still told me to wait until the doctor came.  (Turns out, as she told me later, that they CAN'T tell you to push because they will get in trouble....)  I stopped listening to her, and just pushed, and the baby's head was delivered with no Dr. in the room AGAIN! Can you believe it??? Crazy.  So, he finally came strolling in to deliver Cruz's shoulders and everything else.  No one really announced the baby's gender, but when I looked down I COULDN'T believe he was a boy! I was sure my baby was a girl!  I was SOOO happy to be over the hill of labor and delivery....and to finally meet my 'little' baby. We snuggled for awhile, and then they took him and weighed him.  When the nurse announced that he was 9 lbs....I couldn't believe it (and Dr. Tinsman seemed surprised too).  He was (and is) perfect.  His blood sugar was a little low after birth, so they did feed him some formula right away...but other than that, his health is perfect!
So....of course, after he was born....and Jason was done giggling, and I was done shaking....Jason signed the admission and permission to treat papers for me....and some extra nurses came in to help Jen out because she hadn't even gotten to START the admission charting...or anything else for me.  The only person we called that  night was my mom.... I told her that we would call her and tell her if they were keeping me or not. I called her at about 1 or 1:30 and just said "well, I guess they are going to keep me." and she said "what did you have?"  (she is so smart).  We finally got moved to my permanent room at about 2....and then Jason headed back home (he thought he would sleep better there and be able to help get the kids to school in the morning....AND share the news with the kids).  By the time I got settled in the room they brought Cruz in to nurse again.  He had his bath and the nurse Rachel, was SO GREAT with him.  She said that he was too big to fit into any of their sleepers except this "Baby's 1st Christmas" one...and she also explained that she couldn't help but style his hair into a mohawk......  She was great.  I finally got to bed at about 5AM....only to get woken up by breakfast at 6.  Oh well....I will say that one hour of sleep is NO way to start out with a newborn.  It took me at least a week to feel like I could function again.

The 1st morning at the hospital was filled with doctors and nurses and rounds and lactation consultants...and so on. They had to cram everything into one day that is normally spread out into 2 because he was born just before midnight.  You only get 2 nights in the hospital after the baby is my first night was already done! This was my only real day in the hospital. (that sucked, by the way) Jason came down mid morning, and then my parents brought Keaton and Lola to visit in the afternoon (Nash had a cold, so he stayed with Grandma Reimer).  Then that night my sister Tessa and her husband Steve came to visit.  We were exhausted, so I was glad that was it.  By 8 pm, I was SPENT.... the next day we ended up coming home in the afternoon. 

I love the time in the hospital. I love the excitement of labor and delivery....and I love calling friends and family and telling them our news!  It was so great telling Keaton and Lola...they are truly so excited....(Nash...not quite something he can comprehend over the phone yet).  I could have definitely used another night in the hospital....but what can you do?   My nurses were once again EXCELLENT...Jen and Rachel were awesome, and my nurse from Nash, Marilyn, even stopped in to visit!. 

Well...I have to say that I feel SO very blessed. Four wonderful, healthy, beautiful children.  God has truly been good to us...and I thank him daily for our kids.  It is just such a miracle... and I just can't believe how great each and every baby is.  It is funny....when keaton was born my thought was "I can't have any more kids, because there is no way I could ever love another one like I love him"  and then we had Lola....and now 2 since.... and now when they have each been born my thoughts have, I KNOW you can love each one just as much as the last....and each one makes you love the others even more.  Now, when my kids are born I think...." wow, this is amazing and I can't wait to see how they grow and change and find out their personalities...." and so on.  Each child just makes me want to have more! (I know, I know....I thought I might be done after this pregnancy....but now I am not so sure....crazy, huh?)
I do know one thing.  Each child just makes me love Jason more and more too. Yes...when I am tired, I get sappy. :)  He is just so great! He keeps me grounded and puts up with me well.... I am so happy to have the giggly husband in the labor and delivery room to break the tension....  He really doesn't help with anything (and he knows it) but he is watching everything, and being an advocate for me with the nurses and doctor.... and he is a breath of fresh air for me.  Even, during recovery and my first weeks at home, he puts up with me very well. When I am tired I cry.  I cry because I'm happy, I cry because I love Cruz, I cry because I love the other kids, I cry because this might be my last baby, I cry because I can't give as much time to the other kids right now as I would like, I cry because the throw pillow isn't in the right place on the couch, I cry because the cereal isn't put away, I cry because there is a green pea on the floor.....I cry because Cruz is already getting so big, growing so fast, and changing so much.... through all of these tears....which are finally subsiding because I have finally caught up on my sleep....jason just puts up with me...and keeps me grounded.  He is So level headed, and always reminds me of what is important in life.  I am so thankful for him and our wonderful life together!! We are truly blessed.
Praise the Lord!

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

whobody filled the cupboards (with candy)?

Halloween was a BUSY day at our house (as I'm sure it is at everyone else's house who has kids!).  In the morning I joined Lola at school for her preschool costume parade through the middle school.  I have pictures...and they are cute....but I didn't get a chance to get them uploaded on here...and probably won't since I already have FOUR posts about Halloween (and it is my least favorite holiday).  I had fun at school with is always good to see her friends and put faces with the names she talks about. 

After lunch, I joined Keaton and his 1st grade class for their trip to the Care Center in town to sing Halloween songs...and then their First Grade Halloween Party in their classroom. (Can you tell that I am trying to scrunch things like this in before I have this baby?)  I had lots of fun with Keaton and his friends. It is always interesting dodging the comments and conversations of 'how babies are born' with first graders.  At their field trip about a month ago I had to stop a kid from explaining it to all the others on the bus. ANYWAY :) After school, Keaton and I grabbed some groceries, subs for us and the guys in the field, and headed back home to get prepared for trick or treating.  LUCKY for me, Grandma Piano was here holding the fort down, and helped me get everything ready for our night on the town!

Trick or treating started at 5.... so we drove uptown, parked the car, and started walking! I took the stroller...mostly for me to lean on ....and for the candy I had to keep unloading from the kids' buckets so they didn't BREAK! The amount of candy is UNBELIEVABLE....
Again...Jason (the wonderful...but wonderfully busy dad that he is) took a short break from his fieldwork to meet us uptown for a bit....(and run and get our car and park it where we were ending). Daddy was able to join us for most of the walking part of trick or treating...which I was very thankful for!  We really appreciate and enjoy the little time that we get with him this time of year.  And we VERY much look forward to when he is in the house again at night (especially me!)
The kids really enjoyed trick or treating...Nash especially. 

He would just walk right up to the door and yell his own version of "TRICK OR TREAT" that sounded nothing like the right words...then he would shove his hands in and grab more than he should.... (and they would always let him :) and then he would yell "Na Na" which is how he says "thank you" and then yell "BYE" and run to the next house, his little dinosaur tail bobbing up and down.

Again, as I said in a previous post. He is a HAM in his costume.  Keep in mind...when the other 2 were 2....they had to be forced to go to the doors....mostly had to be carried.  Nash? Well, the only time we carried him was to the car kicking and screaming! Best. night. of. his. life.
Keaton had lots of fun...he enjoyed being 'in charge' and helping Nash get up and down steps.  (I do not look forward to the day when he is TOO COOL for trick or treating.)
When we got home we HAD to take a picture of our candy stash. I couldn't believe the pile of candy we ended up with! Of course, the first thing the kids went for was the baggie of popcorn they got from Grandma Tractor's house.  For some reason, that is always a favorite.  (Don't worry, I did let them each eat one piece of candy before bed too).  We had a great, but exhausting night!

Happy Halloween...and Bring on Thanksgiving!!!

whobody used power tools to carve pumpkins?

This year....since my belly is the size of a parents offered to help me carve the jack-o-lanterns with the kids. This is normally a mom-job because of fieldwork....but I didn't think I could handle the physical carving alone this year! Luckily, my parents....and my dad's power tools....stepped in to help!

I started out by suggesting we do it at my parents' house. (hee I smart or what?)  We met them at TJ's...cause any chance I have to get out of cooking, I will take.   Then we went to their house and got things ready.  Keaton started by drawing out the possible faces he could do on his pumpkin.  He literally spent at least 20 minutes drawing them out and trying to decide what to do.  (Which is SO like him.)

On the other hand, Lola instantly decided that she wanted rectangle eyes, a rectangle nose, and a rectangle mouth with one tooth.  So...with her guidance I drew this onto a pumpkin and my dad got to work. (Gotta love Bompa Sheryl) He very skillfully used a drill and a jigsaw (I think?) to carve the pumpkins. I was was very quick and easy. From start to finish for all 3 pumpkins, it only took about 40 minutes!
 The whole time we were working Nash just kind of ran wild...playing with toys...then coming back into the kitchen to get his hands messy in the pumpkins...then wash his hands and back to the toys.... He had fun! Lola also enjoyed herself (especially once Daddy stopped in and let her use his earmuffs).  Lucky for us, Jason was picking corn at the field by my parents' house so he was even able to stop in for a few minutes and join in the process!

And...I had to include this beautiful picture of Bompa Sheryl & Lola.... Lola had my camera for maybe 2 minutes....and I had about 30 of these kind of pictures....mostly with Lola alone.  She is already good at holding the camera out and taking a picture of herself (and she isn't even 5 yet!!)

Here are the finished products in the dark.  While we were taking these pictures, Keaton was SUPER worried about the fire and being safe....  from left to right the pumpkins are Keaton's,  Nash's and Lola's.
 Keaton decided he wanted a happy, nice pumpkin.... Keaton and I decided that Nash's should be a little scary....with an open mouth...but 2 teeth to make it cute (and to make it look like Nash's)....and Lola's 'rectangle everything' pumpkin fits her perfectly.  I know I always say this...but their personalities amaze me!
 I wanted to make sure to take a picture of the kids with Grandma Piano and Bompa Sheryl.  Big thanks to really helped me out a ton...
and the kids had a BLAST.
 And...I also thought I should include a very poor quality (sorry) picture of me and the kids. I haven't posted any pregnant pictures of myself on here you go.  Yes. That is a pumpkin under my shirt. :) this is me at 34 weeks pregnant.  I have tried and tried to get a decent side view picture of me pregnant, but usually, with Lola or Keaton as the photographer, I haven't been excited enough about any to put out there for the world to see. This, I know, isn't a great picture, but is a picture.  Only SIX weeks till my due date :) and if history repeats itself....that hopefully means we will be meeting this baby in 3 to 4 weeks! I hope so...I don't know how much more this old body can take!!!! :) Oh yeah...and I can't wait to meet this baby!

Well.... there you have it....Pumpkin Carving 2011!!!

whobody turned into a leopard, tiger, and combine?

A couple days before Halloween we went to the Halloween Party at Grandpa Firetruck's house (a.k.a. the Care Center).  On the way there, I could hear Keaton and Lola discussing what they thought Grandpa's costume would be.... Keaton thought he would be dressed up as a farmer....Lola thought he would be dressed up as a 'girl rockstar'..... I told them that I thought he would just be dressed up as a 'grandpa'.  (I think I was right...but I thought it was cute that they thought he would dress up!)

When we walked in, Grandpa was already out in the party room with my Aunt Linda (I will refrain from referring to her as Great Aunt to not make her feel old ;) (hee hee, Linda....I can't say too much because I am also a great Aunt....)  Anyway...thankfully, Linda was there to help out with Grandpa so I could manage the kiddos.  I can't imagine this prego lady trying to chase Nash while pushing Grandpa's wheelchair! We snapped a picture of the kids and grandpa right away! (Grandpa is holding a fried green bean...which they were passing out as 'fingers'.... mmmm....of course, Nash was the only kid who would try it.) Grandpa didn't quite know what to think!!!

There were lots of things to do....there was a 'haunted room' which only Keaton and I went into....Lola and Nash chickened out at the last minute...and they didn't have the haunted room wheelchair accessible (????) so Grandpa couldn't go in either.  They also had a few games, nail painting....and MOST popular of all...face painting. The lady painting faces was AMAZING.  Here are all 3 kids in their finished faces!  Aren't they AWESOME????

When Nash sat in the chair to get his face painted, I knew that the "artist" only had about 2 minutes before he was going to move onto the next thing (or sneak into grandpa's room and grab more candy).  I told her that she could do whatever she wanted to do that was fast and easy.  She whipped this tiger onto Nash's face in NO TIME FLAT....amazing.  Needless to say, I was (and still am) impressed. He looked stinkin' cute (and I'm pretty sure he knew it).
When Lola sat in the chair, she requested to be a beautiful leopard...the pictures don't even do it justice....but it was GREAT.  She also had Lola's face covered in sparkles.  Lola felt like a real leopard (at least that is what she told me).  The worst thing about getting faces painted (or things like tattoos and balloons....) is that it can't last forever.  After the party we came straight home, ate supper...and I got Nash's washed off pretty quickly...but let Lola and Keaton keep theirs until daddy could stop in the house and see their faces right before bed. 

As I was about to do the first wipe on Lola's face, she said "wait...I want to go look in the mirror one last time..." so I let her...then she came back.... and then stopped me again "one more time?" so I let her go back to the mirror.  She got to the mirror and started SOBBING. She was heartbroken that we had to wash this beautiful face off of her. When I say heartbroken, I mean heartbroken. I felt SOO SOOO SOOOO bad for her. *But, in my defense, the black paint was very smudgy and would have been all over her bed and pillow and jammies and hair by morning.....and we just couldn't keep it on. (She brought it up about 5 times the next day too....she was so so sad.)  Usually Keaton is the one in the bath with his arm straight up in the air, so the temporary tattoo doesn't wash off.  Normally, Lola could care less. Not this time.... She did look beautiful!

Keaton chose to have the 'artist' paint a red combine on his face. ('tis the season)  She was hesitant, and said that she had never...ever...ever done a combine before, but she would try!  She did, and I think that it turned out pretty good. I thought it was pretty creative to put the tire around his eye. :) He was pretty proud of it...but his eyebrows were red and black for the next 2 days!

We had a nice time at the Halloween Party. At the end, Grandpa was sitting at his place at the dinner table ready for supper.  We did our normal hugs goodbye...and Nash proceeded to hug EVERYONE at grandpa's table...and then the 2 nurses standing nearby.  He was ready to keep going with everyone else in the room, but I stopped him while he was ahead.  :)  It is like he gets in that costume, and knows he is very he just HAMS it up.  

I am so glad that Grandpa Firetruck was able to see the kids in their costumes...and spend a little time out of his room.  We have not been able to visit him as much lately (which is sad for us and him).  The kids really miss seeing him more often, but we have a lot going on with school and fieldwork....and we can only visit him between colds!  He has good days and bad I am sure that anyone at this stage of life does.  We love to catch him on his good days....and I am always glad if we can be there for him for his bad ones. The kids are just SO good to him...and very loving towards him.  They never complain about taking the time to see him...when in reality, it isn't much fun for them at all. (Well, except for the candy that they get when we leave....there are perks to not letting the kids have candy very often.) 

We love Grandpa Firetruck so much...and we are happy that we got to have a Halloween celebration with him...even though he didn't dress up like a farmer OR a rock star! (maybe next year)