

Friday, December 28, 2012

whobody left something for santa?

I took a few quick pictures of the goodies we left for Santa before
I went to bed on Christmas Eve.
First....the spread.
One cookie. One candy cane. One cup of coffee. Nine pieces of celery for the reindeer.
Notice the pink note Keaton stuck to the plate of celery.
"Sorry we didn't have any carrots....Bye Bye."
(I guess we should have bought some carrots at the grocery store....however, I do think the reindeer were satisfied with the celery....)
Then, the notes to Santa and our elf, Gilbert:  First...Lola's note to Santa
Then her note to Gilbert (our family's elf on the shelf). (She did have a small melt down when she said Good-night to Gilbert on Christmas Eve...she didn't like knowing that she wouldn't see him again til Thanksgiving.)
Notice the sad face on her note....she breaks my heart a little.
Now for Keaton's notes.
The kids were very excited for Santa to come...they even all picked up their rooms that Santa didn't see any messy rooms when he stopped in.  Lola was a little concerned that her room would look too messy because she was in her bed instead of it being made. :)
I assured her that Santa wouldn't mind that a bit,
 and would just be glad that she was sleeping!

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