

Friday, February 7, 2014

whobody wants to press "pause"?

I would like to press the 
"pause" button.

I love the first few weeks of a baby's life. 
It hasn't always been like that, but I have found with each child, I love it more and more.  I think it is because I realize how quickly it passes, and how little of it is really remembered (I am sure because of lack of sleep)….but, I love it.  However, I really hate how fast it goes by.  Here are some (like 40) pictures of Dirx's first 2 weeks at home.  We all love him SO much.

Of all of our babies,
THIS has been the best that the first couple of weeks has ever gone. 
I think it is partly because I had an extra day and night of regrouping in the hospital before I came home (both mentally and physically) and partly because of my limitations with the c section make it so that my only real responsibility is Baby Dirx. (I am not trying to put him down all of the time to switch laundry or pick up or vacuum because I am not allowed to do that stuff anyway…so I either just let someone else do it or I just leave it undone…for now, at least). 

 So, with my focus being on Dirx, I have really enjoyed the snuggle time and nursing our new baby.  I am trying to even savor the midnight feedings…because I know even THAT is something I will miss when this baby stage is over. (But, for now, the struggle is to stay awake during the nighttime feedings.) Between my Mom and Jason, everything that needs to get done around here is still getting done, and I feel like I am getting enough naps and still spending time with the kids! 

 I have even felt up to some outings, which with the other 
babies felt like too much work.  
But, the other babies have all been born at much busier times of year for Jason's work…or during the holidays.  Dirx has already been to church twice, a pizza party at grandma's, a pizza party at Hoeger's, to a middle school basketball game, the chiropractor, 2 high school basketball games, AND a date with us to the Black Angus.  Wow…when I write that all out it sure does sound like a lot.  But, it has been great…I just get too stir crazy if I just stay here all of the time, and I get too lonely too.  
We still need to live life with our other kids, 
and I can't just stay here alone all of the time…so we are enjoying life with Dirx too!

First…the pictures of the kids with Dirx on the day we brought him home from the hospital. 
This was the first time they got to meet him. 
Keaton and Lola were the first to rush into the bathroom and wash their hands…and then they BOTH wanted to be the first to hold him…so, we compromised, and they both held him at the same time.  I wish my phone would have taken some better pictures….but as you can see, they are very proud!

We then took turns and let each kid have their own chance to snuggle with him.

Everyone got a turn, and did very well that night. Both Cruz and Nash had NASTY colds at that point, so we only let them hold him for a few seconds at the most… Poor kids. They didn't seem to mind too much though. There was a lot going on.

Over the past few weeks, the kids have held Dirx as much as they can. 

Keaton is the first to offer to hold the baby when it is helpful (like if I need to get something, or eat, or even go to the bathroom).  He has been super willing to pitch in and take care of whatever needs to be taken care of for me.  He has also helped me out by playing with Cruz SO well and guiding the other kids (or, you might say, distracting them). He loves to get Cruz out of his crib after his naps too.  He often says "mom, is there anything I can do to help you right now?" and if I ask he will pick up toys or put stuff away or switch the laundry. He is so responsible.  I try not to "use" him too much, because he is ONLY 8…but I have really appreciated all that he has done.  The last 2 nights he has even helped me by putting on Cruz's jammies…and helping me lift Cruz into bed. (Jason has had school board meetings the last 2 nights, and I still can't lift Cruz.)  We have diaper boxes stacked up and the Keaton lifts Cruz the rest of the way over the crib rail. I don't have quite as many pictures of him holding Dirx…because instead of taking pictures…I guess I actually had something I needed to do! 
Love this kid….and I can't believe he is getting SO OLD!!!

Lola has held baby Dirx a lot!
 She loves to snuggle him, and really likes to pose for pictures…mostly pretending she is sleeping while he sleeps.  She is always aware of where he is and pays very close attention to our newest family member.  If he is fussing she will go over and rock his crib or sing to him…and try to soothe him. She is a little mother hen and I love it. I was worried she might resent him a little (you know, since he wasn't a female baby :))  but, she has completely gotten over that one. 
I know she would love a sister, but she wouldn't 
trade baby Dirx for anything.  
Lola has even changed his diaper and put his jammies on. (She would do this all of the time if I would let her.)  I do allow her to pick out his clothes when she is around….which she loves to do. Lola tries to be as helpful as Keaton, but doesn't always follow through on what she is asked (but that is the difference in their personalities).  She has still helped me out quite a bit by bringing me things and helping Cruz up and down the stairs.  
She does LOVE her baby Dirx so much, and I think she plans on sharing a room with him someday.

Nash really loves his newest little brother too. 
He asks to hold him all of the time…but it is usually when I am feeding him…so he can't hold him quite every time he asks.  
He likes to hold him often, but not for very long, so I have to stay pretty close. He does like to find soft toys around the house and bring them to Dirx. Nash has been very good with the adjustment of having a baby around. He has really enjoyed having Grandma Zittergruen around the house and seems to be playing a little better with Cruz. 
(Sometimes anyway…sometimes they fight a lot too…)

And then there is Cruz…
He wants to hold "baby jerx" all of the time.  
The first thing he does when he wakes up is comes over and pats dirx on the back and says "baby jerx cute!" He is always piling blankies on top of Dirx and giving him fun toys like legos and trucks and balls! 
 Only one of the kisses in these pictures was posed. The others….
well he just kisses dirx a lot.  
Cruz seems to have grown up so much since dirx was born. 
I swear he grew 6 inches and gained 20 lbs in the time that we were in the hospital…he suddenly seems like a GIANT.  He is also suddenly saying so many words…stringing sentences together….really communicating and understanding.  
It is always amazing how quickly the youngest grows up when there is a new "youngest"in the family.  
I will say that Cruz has handled the transition much better than I ever expected.  He is still very happy and doesn't seem to resent Dirx being around at all! I seem to remember with other babies the youngest was always grumpy with ME for the first few weeks.  Not Cruz….he doesn't even act a little bit surprised that we have a new family member! 
I think he LOVES being one of the big kids now!

Here are the grandmas with Dirx.  
First, my mom, who is home from Florida for a few weeks and has been here a ton and helped us in so many ways.  
She is doing the housework that I haven't been able to do and has helped so much with the other kids. 
I even let her hold Dirx 
every once in awhile...

This is Jason's mom…she visited a couple of times and got to hold Dirx at the middle school basketball game.  
She is currently in Hawaii on vacation…lucky girl!

Now, pictures of baby dirx….It seems I am constantly grabbing my camera and snapping pictures of him.  
He is SO sweet. 
I love love love this stage, and I know it is almost over…and since he is probably our 'caboose' that makes me sadder than ever! 
I actually got choked up yesterday when I used our last "newborn" size diaper on him.  Seriously, choked up.  

I love this stage when they sleep everywhere and anywhere, and can be moved around while sleeping. My all time favorite is holding him after he eats…and he is in what I like to call a MILK COMA.  Just a limp body snuggling into me.  I love how when he nurses he sometimes hooks his hand onto my shirt.  I love it when he smiles in his sleep or makes his little baby squeaks.  I love that he NEEDS to eat when I eat. (Okay…so, I don't love that so much, but it is funny how that is how it always works out.)  I love it when I look at the mirror when I am holding him and he looks SO VERY SMALL. I love that. I know that babies are supposed to grow bigger and that is the GOAL…but the day is nearing when I am going to have to put away some too small sleepers…and let me tell you…
THAT will be a guaranteed cry session for me. 
 It always is…but this time I'm sure will be the hardest.  
This whole last baby thing is so far very tough on me…but I also have to keep in mind that my emotions and hormones are still going crazy!  

Did I mention that Dirx has a birthmark on his nose like Lola did?  I love it!

And this is the view from my chair most nights at bedtime…the kids reading their books…
how cute are they?

Now…the ironic thing…Cruz is MORE than willing to take pictures when it is just him and Dirx… but I have tried multiple times to get a photo of all 5 kiddos…and Cruz fights it every time! Like fights it by usually throwing a fit laying on the ground…not even getting onto the couch.  Here are the 2 best attempts!

They are all laughing because Cruzie was being Mr. Ridiculous. 
Soon…we need to get a family picture!

Now if someone could just find that 
"pause button" for me….

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