

Friday, October 25, 2013

whobody had a birthday party?

Unfortunately, Nash's birthday is during soybean/corn harvest. 
In fact, he was born at about 6:00 pm, and Jason drove home after we were settled into the hospital that night...and he combined soybeans! Dedication. 
(And, the need to get things done when the weather is fit.)

That dedication makes it tough to plan a birthday party for our 
October baby. 
Poor thing. is generally understood that his birthday party will be on the first rainy night around his birthday.  This year, that was on Tuesday...not too shabby...only a few days late.

Planning a party at the last minute has its downfalls. 
*My parents and grandparents couldn't make it, they were already in Florida...
*I didn't even tell my brother...who lives 4 hours away :) long drive for a Tuesday night pizza party planned at noon...
*My sister had a meeting 
(luckily my parents had a little birthday party before they left 
that my family all attended)
*Cousin Mason had a football he and Nancy were at that.... 

SO....celebrating Nash's birthday party this year was our family and Grandpa and Grandma Reimer, Rod, Cagney, and Devin! 
 There were more there from our immediate family than the guests! :) 
Nash didn't seem to mind though. He still had a great time. 
He loves to play with his cousins...and blow out candles. 
It was lucky we had the party when we did, because the guys haven't 
had a break in harvest since! 

We had a pretty simple night...but Nash enjoyed every minute. 
We ordered a few pizzas and sat around and chatted while the kids played. 
Then came the time for the birthday candles.... he loves this part. 

Then, the presents. 
He was very happy with every single present. 
(of course)  
My favorites were the ones that Keaton and Lola gave to him.  
They both wrapped up things from their 'treasure boxes' in their rooms. 
Items that they have either earned, won, or purchased with their 'gotcha tickets' from school.  He was very happy with every little trinket....(and the big toys too).

Cruz very much enjoyed the Jake and the Neverland Pirates ship. 
 He sat there for probably 20 minutes pushing the cannons in and shooting them and then laughing...and pressing the button that plays the song. 
Too cute!

Nash had a wonderful birthday and is very very proud to be FOUR! 
(He tells everyone we see "I had mine birthday. I four now!")

He is my new favorite 4 year old.

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