

Friday, October 19, 2012

whobody is 3?

Are you kidding me?
It has been a week since Nash's birthday...
and I am finally sitting down to write about it!
below is a picture of Nash...trying to show me 3 with his fingers....
I just went through the pictures from his birthday...
and picked out my favorites to share on this blog.
My 34 favorites.
Therefore, I will be splitting this into a few posts (or I would never get it done).
I cannot believe it. I know I have said this before....I really LOVE this age. 
Nash is so much fun to be around. 
HE really never stops talking
(which is fine, until I am trying to talk to someone else and I can't even hear
them over his constant chatter/questions.) 
HE is FULL of personality. 
(I really don't know how it is possible to cram that much personality into a small human being.)
HE is very brave.
(Sometimes too brave...he does end up hurt a lot.)
HE can be healed with a kiss.
(Truly...he gets hurt a lot...but when I kiss is usually all better.)
HE is hilarious!
(Nash will pretty much do anything for a laugh.)
HE loves bathroom humor.
(Inserting the words "pee" "poop" and "fart" into as many conversations as possible....these conversations happen when he thinks I am out of earshot. Little does he know that I have monitors in each of the kids bedrooms...
and eyes on the back of my head, of course.)
He LOVES Cruz.
(Nash always refers to him as "little cruzie woozie woozie" mom is afraid Cruz will go to kindergarten with that as his name...I don't think that is going to be a problem. He always says that Cruz is his best friend...and plays pretty well with him. He likes to help me do put Cruz to bed...or carry him around. Picture this: I am carrying Cruz...and Nash is walking along beside me...holding one of Cruz's feet.  He holds it til we get to his crib...then he lifts it up to HELP me put him into his crib.  He truly thinks he is carrying some of the weight. When Cruz starts making noise when he is waking up from his nap, Nash will say "listen mom, hes sayin' Naaaaa-ssshhheeee come and get me!" I usually let Nash go in there first.)
HE idolizes Keaton & Lola. Especially Keaton. 
(He loves to follow them around and do whatever they do. He likes to ride bikes and go on nature hunts with them.  He goes outside with them most mornings while they are waiting for the bus...and then when the bus comes...and then leaves with them on it...he comes back to the house with his bottom lip out and says "I no wanna say goodbye..." but then instantly moves onto something else.)
HE burps...and then very politely says "excuse you mom"
(this stems from him burping...and me saying "excuse you, nash"....)
HE still uses his binkie and blankie to sleep.
(He really loves them...I will be 'losing' his binkies soon...but I promised him I will NEVER take his blankie away from him and that he can always sleep with his blankie.
My apologies to his future wife.)
HE is very independent.
(He will sometimes get his own sippy cup out of the cupboard, get the milk out, fill his cup, put on the lid, put the milk back in the fridge...and enjoy his milkie.  Some might say, if he is old enough to do that, he shouldn't have a sippy cup... I SAY let him be little....and it is quite helpful that he can get his own if I am unable to help him if I am sitting here catching up on my blog, perhaps. )
HE is very sweet.
(He acknowledges the nice things people do for him...thanking them unprompted....and will talk about nice things that people did for him WAY after it happened.  "That was so nice of Rachee to give me this backhoe." "That was so nice of Keat to give me his candy from school!" I love that!)
HE is a mommy's boy.
(He wants me to do everything for him...from helping with his shoes...
to putting him to bed.)
HE loves to play with things that hook together.
(Nash really enjoys playing with little tractors, wagons, and combines....and ANYTHING that can be hooked together....whenever he plays with the train set he always has about 10 cars hooked together, and then cries when it won't stay on the track.)
HE is very intense.
(Nash is either going 100 mph awake...or sleeping hard. He either eats everything on his plate...or nothing. He is either yelling...or silent. )
HE thinks that the person he is talking to on the phone can see him.
(When he talks to people on the phone...he nods a lot...and says things like "look at my new backhoe!" and holds the phone up to his backhoe.)
HE sometimes puts his underwear on backwards.
(Okay...if he is the one putting it is most of the time.  It does NOT look comfortable at all..but he doesn't seem to mind...and most of the time the more interesting picture is on the BACK of the underwear.  Choosing my battles....)
HE never watches where he is going.
(I cannot tell you how many times he has run into the banister of our
stairs because he is walking down the hall to his room....
looking backwards and talking to us.
Luckily, most owies are fixed with kisses....AND we have the baby gate up,
 so he can't fall down the stairs.
He says Yuh-Huh.
(Okay, I have to admit, this is one of my favorites.... simple, but something I want to remember.  His 'affirmative' response to things is not
"yes, yeah, yep or uh-huh" it is "YUH-HUH" and I love it!)
Quick story:
We were eating supper as a family...I was trying to get the kids to try something new. (Not sure what it was a month or so ago.)  Nash tried it and then got a big smile and said
"tastes wike....tastes wike...."
(we knew he was going to say "poop" so both Jason and I are saying
"Nash...don't say it! Don't say it, Nash!" while trying to keep our laughs under control)
Nash continues to say
"tastes wike....tastes wike...."
at this point he is smiling...looking from Keaton to Lola to Keaton to Lola....
and of course they have TOTALLY lost it.
He kept it up for a few minutes til Jason and I lost it too...and then
"tastes wike....POOP!"
(He knew that it would be hard for us to punish him when we were laughing so hard.)
Oh. My. Goodness. It might be one of those times that you just had to be there...but it was SO FUNNY! I am actually laughing out loud while typing it up right now!
Getting things set up for his birthday party...still trying to make 3 with his is a tough one!
 YAY. finally got it!!!
Can you believe that just 3 years ago...THIS was Nash?

...and 2 years ago, he looked like this:

Nash....1 year ago...when he was TWO...

Kids REALLY grow up so fast.
(I know that is said way too often, but it is SO true!)
I can't believe that Nash is THREE....but, I am so excited to see the awesome person he is growing into!
Stay tuned for more birthday posts...they should be a lot less wordy. :)

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