

Monday, February 6, 2012

whobody needs to catch up?

It has been a crazy couple of weeks....

As anyone with little kids knows...routine is CRUCIAL in keeping things under control. Well, the last few weeks, things have been anything but routine.... Obviously, the hospital stay for Cruz threw us for a loop... and then after that it seems to have been one thing after another.  In all honesty, this month I have been feeling a little
'in over my head'
with all that has been going on around us...and trying to keep up at home.  I am a creature of routine (as are the kids) so when things are not 'normal', I have a hard time keeping pace.  It also seems that Nash is becoming even MORE challenging to keep in line. I know, I know, he is TWO....
but we need to work on him.

There has been a lot to blog about over the last few weeks...hopefully I am able to catch up soon. :) I really LOVE having this record of our family...and I would hate to keep it on the back burner for too long. goes. A few pictures of the kids in this post....and then I will get to the other posts I want to write.

I do have a great helper with Lola around...she loves to 'take care' of Cruz... She has been pretty sad about Grandpa Firetruck passing away...and seems to be needing a little extra TLC. She loves school and is so disappointed when it is cancelled because of a late start.  She really likes doing crafts and writing things!

Here is a picture of Keaton through the front door....He is always so happy when he gets off of the bus... (and oddly...he keeps his mittens inside of his hat on top of his head on the way home...don't ask me why.) He was 'star student' at school last week, and is involved in pee wee basketball on Saturday mornings.

Cruz is as sweet and squishy as ever...I would like to introduce you to the two newest members of our family...his cheeks! He is growing every day....busting out of his 3-6 month clothes :( and almost getting too bigfor size 2 diapers.  I am glad that he is a healthy weight and everything, but it is so sad how babies grow so darn fast.  He still has a nasty cough hanging around from the whooping cough,but that should hopefully be disappearing soon.... (don't you just want to kiss those cheeks?)

Lola and Keaton have LOVED playing in the snow. Keaton really enjoys shoveling, and he is thinking that he might just do that for a job someday. :)

and then there is Nash....oh, Nash. He is into everything...and I mean everything. The instant I sit down to nurse Cruz, Nash is into something he shouldn't be, doing something he shouldn't be doing. When I am able to, he is put into timeout...but that isn't always possible.  He is naughty...but VERY enjoyable, and of course we love love love him.   As I have said before, the differences in personalities of our children are just amazing... I will post some pictures of his antics later.....

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