

Monday, October 24, 2011

whobody's is whobody's?

So...last night we painted pumpkins for Halloween.

Can you guess which pumpkin belongs to which kid?

Pretty easy, huh? (At least it is if you know my kids.) 

The one on the right is obviously Keaton's.  Very carefully executed, perfect stripes in all different colors all the way around the pumpkin.  No mixing of area left unpainted. Perfection.  (He mentioned this morning that now that it is dry he would like to turn it over and finish the stripes all the way around the bottom of the pumpkin too)

The one in the middle is....(drumroll please)......Lola's.  She just kept on painting and painting and painting. There are layers and layers of paint on that pumpkin...and stem.  That sweet girl just kept on mixing new colors, grabbing new brushes...and adding to her pumpkin. She had LOTS of fun, and giggled a lot during this adventure. She is more of an Impressionist...I think.

And, on the left, Nash's.  He sat down at the table, splashed some paint on the pumpkin, painted his hands a little....and then saw something else he would like to do. :) What can I say? He is an easily distractable 2 year old! 
 Keaton carefully painting his stripes.

 Lola, being very proud of her creation!

Here, Lola is making sure that every square millimeter of the stem is painted too!

 Nash painting his pumpkin.

Nash painting his hands.

This was a very fun activity for us.

I am so glad I decided to paint pumpkins instead of carve them. This time of year, it is just me and the kids. (Jason is working) Usually, I just have the kids draw faces on pumpkins for carving...then I am the one to scoop them out AND carve them by myself. (Lots of muscles in that, muscles I don't have at the moment :) This year the painting was a better idea for all! (We are still going to carve 1 pumpkin....hopefully with a little help from Bompa Sheryl.)

The kids had a lot of fun...and were able to be pretty creative with their pumpkins. It is always fun to see personalities come out in projects!!!  Now if I can just remember to bring them inside when it rains...not sure how well the acrylic will hold up to a shower!

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